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Using @IBDesignable for a gradient view

I am using the below to create a gradient view that is visible in IB:

import UIKit
import QuartzCore

class FAUGradientView: UIView {

    @IBInspectable var firstColor:UIColor = UIColor.clear
    @IBInspectable var secondColor:UIColor = UIColor.clear
    @IBInspectable var startPoint:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 1.0)
    @IBInspectable var endPoint:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 1.0, y:0.0)

    var gradientLayer:CAGradientLayer!

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {

        gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
        self.gradientLayer.colors = [firstColor, secondColor]
        self.gradientLayer.startPoint = self.startPoint
        self.gradientLayer.endPoint = self.endPoint
        self.gradientLayer.frame = self.frame


However, what I get in IB is a solid black view, not a view with a two color gradient, as seen below:

enter image description here


  • Solved it. They need to be cgColors, but XCode doesn't give you a single error to indicate that.

    [firstColor.cgColor, secondColor.cgColor]

    The above fixes the issue.