I have connected a GSM modem to my computer. When the application sent message, getting below response. i have replaced the mobile number in log file with xxxxxxxx. Application was able to sent SMS, but this issue started all of a sudden.
2017-01-16 06:40:09,217 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | PagerChannel::sendSMS (single message) ENTER
2017-01-16 06:40:09,217 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | Connecting on Port:com3 with boud rate:115200
2017-01-16 06:40:19,289 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | Connected on Port:com3 with boud rate:115200
2017-01-16 06:40:19,811 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | Sending SMS on : xxxxxxxx using AT^SCMS=xxxxxxxx,145,1,5,16,2088
2017-01-16 06:40:19,871 | ERROR | PagerChannel.java | PagerChannel.sendSMS Error response: for AT^SCMS=xxxxxxxx,145,1,5,16,2088 response:
+CMS ERROR: invalid parameter
Can Anybody tell me what's the problem?
I found the issue which was causing the error, these issue started when i changed the mobile number format to just the number without country code. (from +974MobileNumber to MobileNumber)
In that scenario the Type of Destination Address value should 129 , but in my case it was using the 145.
AT^SCMS=da[toda], seq, max, ieia, ref
Type of Destination Address GSM 04.11 TP-Destination-Address Type-of-Address octet in integer format (when first character of is + (IRA 43) default is 145, otherwise default is 129).