These two links reference the ability, in ColdFusion, to get the name of an uploaded file using form.getPartsArray(). However I can not find ColdFusion documentation on it. I would like to use this but not if it has been deprecated or will be. Does anyone have more information on the origin and fate of this function?
ColdFusion: get the name of a file before uploading
ColdFusion: get the name of a file before uploading
Ignoring the main question for a moment, can you elaborate on why you want to use it? Reason for asking is the title of the first question might give you a mistaken impression about what that method actually does. Form.getPartsArray() does not provide access to file information before the file is uploaded. The file is already on the server at that point, so in later versions of CF (with additional functionality) it does not necessarily buy you much over just using cffile action=upload
Does anyone have more information on the origin and fate of this function?
However, to answer your other question - it is an undocumented feature last I checked. (It was more useful in earlier versions of CF, which lacked some of the newer features relating to form fields and uploads.)
Internally, most form data can be handled using standard request objects, ie HttpServletRequest. However, those do not support multipart requests, ie file uploads. So a special handler is needed. Macromedia/Adobe chose to use the com.oreilly.servlet library for their internal implementation. That is what you are accessing when using FORM.getPartsArray()
The O'Reilly stuff has been bundled with CF since (at least) CF8, which is a good indicator. However, using any internal feature always comes with the risk the implementation will change and break your application. Also, if you move to another engine, the code may not be supported/compatible. So "You pays your money, you takes your choice".
CF8 / Form Scope