I'm trying to load customer's data into table with CLOB, using SQL Loader. Because of the data volumes, the customer prefers to provide two files: primary - with "main" table data and secondary, with CLOBs.
I'm looking for correct layout of the input files and correct load syntax. Should secondary file contain an ID and how exactly will SQL Loader match records in two files?
The situation we have is approximately this (assuming that CLOBs are delimited by string '< lobend >'):
table emp with columns emp_id, name and resume (CLOB). Resume is optional, and sometimes it'll be null.
primary file
123, Jane
567, Mary
896, Bob
secondary file
Resume of Jane<lobend>
Resume of Bob<lobend>
Assume that your primary file is called primary.dat and your secondary file is called secondary.dat. Create a control file as follows:
load data
infile 'primary.dat'
into table persons
fields terminated by ','
( emp_id char(3)
,ename char(10)
,resume lobfile( constant 'secondary.dat' ) terminated by "<lobend>\n"
Then load it:
sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=loadlob.ctl
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Wed Feb 22 08:42:13 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Path used: Conventional
Commit point reached - logical record count 3
3 Rows successfully loaded.
Check the log file:
for more information about the load.
Check the data:
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
123 Jane Resume of Jane
456 Mary
789 Bob Resume of Bob