How can i filter category values
when clicking on a radio button?
For Example :- in plunker we have displayed category values using of data-ng-bind
. there are two radio buttons are available, 1.Moral Ethics
2. Religion & Culture
. if we click the first radio button of moral ethics
it's should filter
only the moral ethis values
and if we click the second radio button of religon & Culture
it's should filter
only the religon & Culture values
. .
My HTML radio button:-
<div class="col-md-3">
<label class="green"><input type="radio" name="myquestion" data-ng-model="myquestion.category" value="myquestion" ><span>Moral Ethics</span></label>
<div class="col-md-3">
<label class="green"><input type="radio" name="culture" data-ng-model="culture.category" value="culture" ><span>Religion & Culture</span></label>
My HTML Filter:-
ng-repeat="question in questions | filter: myquestion | filter:culture"
My Html Data:-
<div ng-repeat="question in questions | filter:myquestion | filter:culture">
<span >{{$index + 1}}.</span>
<span data-ng-bind="question.category"></span>
My Controller Data:-
$scope.questions = [
"category":"Religion & Culture",
"category":"Moral Ethics",
"category":"Environment & Health",
"category":"Environment & Health",
"category":"Religion & Culture",
"category":"Religion & Culture",
"category":"Moral Ethics",
Change value of check box like below that's it
<input type="radio" name="myquestion" data-ng-model="myquestion.category" value="Moral Ethics" >
<input type="radio" name="myquestion" data-ng-model="myquestion.category" value="Religion & Culture" >
and your repeated div as below
<div ng-repeat="question in questions | filter:myquestion">
<span >{{$index + 1}}.</span>
<span data-ng-bind="question.category"></span>
as well as please find updated plunker