Doing this (aws-sdk ruby gem):
bucket: bucket,
lifecycle_configuration: {
rules: [
id: "clean-temporary",
status: "Disabled", # required, accepts Enabled, Disabled
prefix: "temporary",
filter: {
prefix: "temporary",
expiration: {
days: 1,
I got an error: Aws::S3::Errors::BadRequest: [!]
According to Release Notes, my version (11) support it: S3 bucket lifecycle API has been added. Note that currently it only supports object expiration.
What am I doing wrong?
UPD: Tried the s3cmd, didn't help:
⇒ s3cmd -c s3cfg setlifecycle lifecycle_configuration.xml s3://my-new-bucket
ERROR: S3 error: 405 (MethodNotAllowed)
⇒ cat lifecycle_configuration.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LifecycleConfiguration xmlns=""><Rule><ID>test</ID><Status>Enabled</Status><Expiration><Days>1</Days></Expiration><Prefix></Prefix></Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>
Found a workaround:
s3cmd -c s3cfg setlifecycle lifecycle_configuration.xml s3://my-new-bucket --signature-v2
probably aws-sdk gem is not compatible with this feature.