sorry for my question is perhpas stupid, but actually i'm newer to the world of android (work with xamarin android and android studio => a little).
I work on an APP who must to connect to network (mobile / wifi ).
I would like to understand the GPRS signal and for this i have some knowledge about it BUT NOT not sure about my experience ..
It's better to confirm with some stackOverFlow expert :)
1- for me , GPRS is the network mobile (2g, 3g, lte, ..) ? 2- the device detect AUTOMATICALLY this GPRS signal ? 3- For detecting this GPRS signal, we just need to add a SIM card into a device ? 4- a device CAN'T connect in several network (GPRS and wifi) ? 5- if some network(gprs and wifi) are available, the device will connect to the better network automatically ?
Thanks for your time and all your knowledge
Have a look here.
This is to determine if you have connection:
ConnectivityManager cm =
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
boolean isConnected = activeNetwork != null &&
and this is to verify if you're on WiFi:
boolean isWiFi = activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI;