The credentials of a newly deployed app are rejected by MongoDB with "Authentication failed". The MongoDB Ops Manager is stuck on "AdjustUsers" for a few hours already.
Verified by:
cf service-connector 8080 opsmanager.service.consul:8080
Open Browser at http://localhost:8080 and login using the mongodb service key obtained on the portal:
"ops_manager_url": "http://opsmanager.service.consul:8080",
"ops_manager_user": "xxx",
"ops_manager_password": "xxx",
I've recently restored around 20GB of data, using mongorestore:
cf service-connector 27020 xxx-0.service.consul:33602
mongorestore --gzip --port 27020 --username xxx --password xxx --db rs_xxx /backup/mongodump/ > mongorestore.log 2>&1 &
Other, already existing, apps don't have the problem. Only an app which I deployed using Blue-Green deployment fails to connect:
cf push $APP-new
cf map-route $APP-new $DOMAIN --hostname $APP
cf unmap-route $APP $DOMAIN --hostname $APP || true
cf unmap-route $APP-new $DOMAIN --hostname $APP-new
cf delete -f $APP
cf rename $APP-new $APP
In my apps I don't specify a WriteConcern, so I assume it is only primary ("w: 1")
With every cf bind-service
or cf unbind-service
the Servicebroker (a Cloud Foundry component) creates new random generated credential (see it with cf env $APP
). With our MongoEnterprise service offering, Service Broker connects to Ops Manager API and deploys new User to mongod replicaset.
When Ops Manager deploys user (createUser
) he uses WriteConcern "majority", which means at least one secondary needs to acknowledge the write.
COMMAND [conn53768] command rs_$DBNAME.$cmd command: createUser { createUser: "$USERNAME", pwd: "xxx", digestPassword: false, roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "rs_$DBNAME" } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:138 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 2, w: 2 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 2 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 9811ms
Due to the mongorestore
, which was performed a couple of hours before this problem occurred, there is a possibility that the createUser
command was timing out due to lack of acknowledgement from the secondaries that were busy building indexes in foreground and background. Index build (default mongorestore
options) are first done on primary and when done will be in progress in secondaries. This explains the lag rise on secondaries during createUser
Index builds can take very long time, depending on the index and data size. We heard a lot of customer complains about index build take too long.
Here are logs from index build. In Ops Manager customer can see streamed mongodb.log
(opsmanager.service.consul) with a little delay from all replica set members.
2017-02-15T10:40:06.199+0000 I INDEX [repl writer worker 10] build index done. scanned 1108917 total records. 672 secs
2017-02-15T10:50:08.553+0000 I INDEX [repl writer worker 4] build index done. scanned 1108917 total records. 602 secs
2017-02-15T11:01:13.888+0000 I INDEX [repl writer worker 7] build index done. scanned 1108917 total records. 665 secs
2017-02-15T15:01:37.405+0000 I INDEX [repl index builder 176] build index done. scanned 1109531 total records. 659 secs
2017-02-15T15:01:37.406+0000 I INDEX [repl index builder 170] build index done. scanned 1109531 total records. 659 secs
2017-02-15T15:16:20.139+0000 I INDEX [repl index builder 170] build index done. scanned 1109699 total records. 882 secs
Those are the errors from Automation Agent (Ops Manager speaks via HTTP with Autoamtion Agent on the managed VM, the Automation Agent then speaks with mongod with native protocol)
[2017/02/15 13:33:36.297] [.error] [cm/mongoctl/authctl.go:updateUser26Style:697] [101] <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Error updating 2.6-style user = AuthUser($USER@rs_$DB_NAME,roles=AuthRoles(1:{"Rolename":"readWrite","Db":"rs_$DB_NAME"}),interned=true,identity=2) in db = rs_$DB_NAME : <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Timed out (timeout=-1ns) trying to runCommandWithTimeout(dbName=rs_$DB_NAME, cmd=[{"Name":"updateUser","Value":"$USER"},{"Name":"pwd","Value":"$PASSWORD"},{"Name":"digestPassword","Value":false},{"Name":"roles","Value":[{"db":"rs_$DB_NAME","role":"readWrite"}]}])
[2017/02/15 13:33:36.297] [.error] [cm/mongoctl/authctl.go:UpsertUser:516] [101] <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Error upserting 2.6-style user = AuthUser($USER@rs_$DB_NAME,roles=AuthRoles(1:{"Rolename":"readWrite","Db":"rs_$DB_NAME"}),interned=true,identity=2) : <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Error updating 2.6-style user = AuthUser($USER@rs_$DB_NAME,roles=AuthRoles(1:{"Rolename":"readWrite","Db":"rs_$DB_NAME"}),interned=true,identity=2) in db = rs_$DB_NAME : <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Timed out (timeout=-1ns) trying to runCommandWithTimeout(dbName=rs_$DB_NAME, cmd=[{"Name":"updateUser","Value":"$USER"},{"Name":"pwd","Value":"$PASSWORD"},{"Name":"digestPassword","Value":false},{"Name":"roles","Value":[{"db":"rs_$DB_NAME","role":"readWrite"}]}])
[2017/02/15 13:33:36.297] [.error] [cm/action/adjustusers.go:adjustUsers:52] [101] <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Error upserting user = AuthUser($USER@rs_$DB_NAME,roles=AuthRoles(1:{"Rolename":"readWrite","Db":"rs_$DB_NAME"}),interned=true,identity=2). Trying to proceed though. : <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Error upserting 2.6-style user = AuthUser($USER@rs_$DB_NAME,roles=AuthRoles(1:{"Rolename":"readWrite","Db":"rs_$DB_NAME"}),interned=true,identity=2) : <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Error updating 2.6-style user = AuthUser($USER@rs_$DB_NAME,roles=AuthRoles(1:{"Rolename":"readWrite","Db":"rs_$DB_NAME"}),interned=true,identity=2) in db = rs_$DB_NAME : <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.297] Timed out (timeout=-1ns) trying to runCommandWithTimeout(dbName=rs_$DB_NAME, cmd=[{"Name":"updateUser","Value":"$USER"},{"Name":"pwd","Value":"$PASSWORD"},{"Name":"digestPassword","Value":false},{"Name":"roles","Value":[{"db":"rs_$DB_NAME","role":"readWrite"}]}])
[2017/02/15 13:33:36.381] [.error] [cm/executor/executor.go:ExecutePlan:184] <rs_$DB_NAME> [13:33:36.381] Postcondition failed for step AdjustUsers because
[The value of 'currentState.UsersRight' = false, but it should be true]. Outcome=3
Summary: everything with WriteConcern primary is working fine, but WriteConcern majority times out, du tue blocking index builds.