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How to close all trades in an MQL5 code ( script, EA )?

Struggling in writing a CLOSE ALL TRADES code in MQL5 as part of my Expert Advisor.

Code or any idea about closing all trades in MQL5 will be very helpful.

As I am new to EA writing, please be little easy in writing.


  • Welcome to the Wild Worlds of MQL4/5

    You may get inspired by this raw example, as the MQL5 has changed the way, how the Terminal / Server interaction is controlled:

    #define                                  ID_OWN_MAG_NUM 9999999         // ALWAYS:  use MagicNumber of the expert, to avoid MIX
    //| Closing all positions, MATCHING this ID_OWN_MAG_NUM ( avoid deleting others ...
    void OnStart()
    {                                                                       // .DEF + .INIT the trade request and result of trade request
       MqlTradeRequest request;
       MqlTradeResult  result;
       int             total = PositionsTotal();                                        // .GET  number of open positions
       for (  int i = total - 1; i >= 0; i-- )                              // .ITER  over all open positions
       {                                                                    //        .GET  params of the order:
              ulong  position_ticket  = PositionGetTicket(       i );                               //  - ticket of the position
              string position_symbol  = PositionGetString(       POSITION_SYMBOL );                 //  - symbol 
              int    digits           = (int) SymbolInfoInteger( position_symbol,       
                                                                 );                                 //  - number of decimal places
              ulong  magic            = PositionGetInteger(      POSITION_MAGIC );                  //  - MagicNumber of the position
              double volume           = PositionGetDouble(       POSITION_VOLUME );                 //  - volume of the position
              ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type = (ENUM_POSITION_TYPE) PositionGetInteger( POSITION_TYPE );   //  - type of the position
              PrintFormat( "Tkt[#%I64u] %s  %s  %.2f  %s MagNUM[%I64d]",    // .GUI:    print details about the position    
                           DoubleToString( PositionGetDouble( POSITION_PRICE_OPEN ), digits ),
              if (  magic == ID_OWN_MAG_NUM )                               // .IF MATCH:
              {     ZeroMemory( request );                                  //     .CLR data
                    ZeroMemory( result  );                                  //     .CLR data
                                                                            //     .SET:
                    request.action    = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;                  //          - type of trade operation
                    request.position  = position_ticket;                    //          - ticket of the position
                    request.symbol    = position_symbol;                    //          - symbol 
                    request.volume    = volume;                             //          - volume of the position
                    request.deviation = 5;                                  //          - allowed deviation from the price
                    request.magic     = EXPERT_MAGIC;                       //          - MagicNumber of the position
                    if (  type == POSITION_TYPE_BUY )
                    {     request.price = SymbolInfoDouble( position_symbol, SYMBOL_BID );
                          request.type  = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
                          request.price = SymbolInfoDouble( position_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK );
                          request.type  = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
                    PrintFormat(       "WILL TRY: Close Tkt[#%I64d] %s %s",                      position_ticket,
                                                                                                 EnumToString( type )
                    if ( !OrderSend( request,result ) )
                          PrintFormat( "INF:  OrderSend(Tkt[#%I64d], ... ) call ret'd error %d", position_ticket,
                    PrintFormat(       "INF:            Tkt[#%I64d] retcode=%u  deal=%I64u  order=%I64u", position_ticket,