I am using the pymssql module. And I am trying to extract the datatypes of my columns. According to the github code it should be possible to access it by connection.column_types
But I get the following error:
AttributeError: '_mssql.MSSQLConnection' object has no attribute 'column_types'
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I have the right object, I am creating my connection with the _mssql.connect()
pymssql._mssql.connect(server=HOST, port=PORT, user=USR, password=PWD, **KWARGS)
(But even when I am using the DBAPI connect() method pymssql.connect()
pymssql.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, user=USR, password=PWD, **KWARGS)
And then I try to access the underlying connection class cursor._source._conn.column_types
it also fails for the same reason:
AttributeError: '_mssql.MSSQLConnection' object has no attribute 'column_types'
How can I get the data types?
I opened a ticket on the github, and it got an answer. Posting here for posterity and completeness.
so only accessible from C code, not Python.
It's not what I was hoping for, but alas, it is the answer.