I use pg-promise for several projects. I read this:
Functions and Procedures
In PostgreSQL stored procedures are just functions that usually do not return anything.
Suppose we want to call function findAudit to find audit records by user_id and maximum timestamp. We can make such call as shown below:
db.func('findAudit', [123, new Date()])
.then(function (data) {
console.log(data); // printing the data returned
.catch(function (error) {
console.log(error); // printing the error
The documentation provides examples except for this two functions. (Notice : excellent documentation otherwise)
Can someone provide an example for Procedure with pg-promise?
PS: I know what is a stored-procedure in Postgresql but I didn't find example with pg-promise (one who could fail/sucess) ...
Since PostgreSQL only supports functions, a procedure is considered to be such a function that either returns no data or a simple response, such as operation summary.
For that reason pg-promise implements method proc that expects either no data or a single row/object of data.
const res = await db.proc('procName', [123, new Date()]);
//=> either null or a single object with OUT properties
Since PostgreSQL v11 came out, proper stored procedures are supported. And pg-promise has been updated where method proc now supports only the new CALL