How can I retrieve an entity using the pull
method by its entity id? I've used transact to add some datoms/facts (right phrasing?) to my db. I can see the entity id's if I do a simple query like:
[:find ?e
[?e :arb/value]
The result being:
{[17592186045418] [17592186045420] [17592186045423]}
Now I'd like to retrieve one of these using pull. The examples in the docs for pull, however, use examples where the entity in question is associated with an id.
Specifically, the docs refer to an example from the musicbrainz sample data set, and the sample they suggest is:
(pull db '[*] led-zeppelin)
where (although the docs don't show this) led-zeppelin has been defined like so (as can be seen here:
(def led-zeppelin [:artist/gid #uuid "678d88b2-87b0-403b-b63d-5da7465aecc3"])
The docs say that the pull command takes three things: a db, a selector pattern determining I think what attributes are pulled for each entity, and the "eid" of the entity. So the above led-zeppelin
var is somehow the eid.
I don't really follow totally what's going on there. The :artist/gid is a id attribute defined in the schema for musicbrainz it seems, and the third item looks like the the specific id. I'm not sure what #uuid is.
But, in my case, I have defined no id attribute for my entities. I was hoping to be able to use the unique entity id that I think is assigned by default to each entity. Is this possible? If so, how would this be done?
The solution here is simple. Just drop in the entity id number directly:
(d/pull db '[*] 17592186045418)
The mistake I'd made was to use the eid as a string, i.e. by double-quoting it.