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Which vector library to use in coq?

I'm wondering, is there a commonly used library for vectors in coq, I.e. lists indexed by their length in their type.

Some tutorials reference Bvector, but it's not found when I try to import it.

There's Coq.Vectors.Vectordef, but the type defined there is just named t which makes me think it's intended for internal use.

What is the best or most common practice for someone who doesn't want to roll their own library? Am I wrong about the vectors in the standard library? Or is there another Lib I'm missing? Or do people just use lists, paired with proofs of their length?


  • There are generally three approaches to vectors in Coq, each with their own trade-offs:

    1. Inductively defined vectors, as provided by the Coq standard library.

    2. Lists paired with an assertion of their length.

    3. Recursively-nested tuples.

    Lists-with-length are nice in that they're easily coerced to lists, so you can reuse a lot of functions that operate on plain lists. Inductive vectors have the downside of requiring a lot of dependently-typed pattern matching, depending on what you're doing with them.

    For most developments, I prefer the recursive tuple definition:

    Definition Vec : nat -> Type :=
      fix vec n := match n return Type with
                   | O   => unit
                   | S n => prod A (vec n)