I have followed all the docs on how to set up a CDN for my Azure website but I am still getting a 404 when trying to browse to a file on the cdn eg.
https://<custom domain name>.azureedge.net/Content/css/bootatrap.css
Browsing to the original website works fine
https://<custom domain name>.com/Content/css/bootatrap.css
My website is on a custom domain (hosted on Azure) and I have set up as follows origin type: Web App origin hostname : .com origin host header: .com origin path:
the origin hostname I actually select from the dropdown After setting up, I noticed that when I go back into the configuration the origin type is changed to "Custon Origin". Not sure why this happens. Even If I update it back to WebApp, save, exit and re-enter configuration the origin type is set back to "Custom Origin"
I have also tried it with leaving the origin host header blank but it made no difference.
Everything else looks perfect.
Note:I have waited for a number of hours before testing each time to make sure the updates/settings have fully propagated
So what have I missed.. Any suggestions are very welcome
Azure CDN PM here. The 'Custom Origin' is a known portal bug, which does not affect the underlying settings, and will be fixed soon.
I would need more information from you to troubleshoot this.
Could you email me your CDN and origin endpoint, and a screenshot of your settings within the Azure portal for CDN and your web app? For example and the custom domain setup, which CDN profile type, etc.
My email is rli@microsoft.com