I am a beginner and I don’t have any experience with coding etc. and I need help
The first screenshot:
shows my screen, and as you can depict from it there are two buttons- the first one is called RIGHT BUTTON, and the other one is called WRONG BUTTON. This is because clicking on the RIGHT BUTTON will open a next screen, whereas clicking on the WRONG BUTTON will result in going back to the previous screen. I thought that this is kind of boring :D that’s why I want to build something with the blocks that would choose randomly one of those buttons to be right and the other one to be wrong after the screen has initialized. To make it more clear. Every time I start the app I don’t know which button out of those two will take me one screen further- it could be the first or the second button- I want this to be a random pick.
Now, I have tried to build something like this blocks:
but I can’t find a suitable block, as you can see in screen shot 2 :D I assume, that this isn’t the way it should look like, but my skill is too low at the moment. I also assume that I will need an "if,then" block" I would be really grateful if someone built it and made a screenshot and post it here ;)
Basically, I am kindly asking for help. I have been looking on the internet for a tutorial etc. but I couldn’t find something that would really help me.
Thank you very much in advance ;)