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Does Service Discovery microservice break idea of loose coupling?

As a mechanism to connect microservices together and make them work it is usually suggested to use APIs and Service Discovery. But they usually work as their own microservices, but these ones should apparently be "hard-coded" into others, as every microservice is supposed to register with them and query for other microservices' locations. Doesn't this break the idea of loose coupling, since a loss of a discovery service implies others being unable to communicate?


  • Pretty much yes. If one microservice "knows" about another microservice - it means that they are highly coupled. It doesn't matter where specifically this knowledge about other service is coming from: hardcoded, config file or maybe some service discovery, it still leads to high coupling.

    What's important to understand is that many microservice evangelists are just preaching about how to build monolith apps on top of Web APIs. Some of them probably think that the more buzz words they use - the better ... not quite sure why this happens. It is probably easier to fake a language and become an "expert" by using buzzword salad instead of really building fault tolerant and horizontally scalable app.

    But there is another way to look at service discovery: when it is used by service clients like SPA application or an API Gateway it may be very useful. Clients and gateways should know about service APIs, otherwise, the whole thing doesn't make sense. But they can use a registry to make it more flexible/dynamic.

    So, to summarize:

    • if services are using discovery to get more information about each other - this is probably a bad thing and design flaw (pretty sure there are corner cases where this may be a valid scenario, please post a comment if you know some)
    • if discovery is used by other parts of the app, like SPA or API Gateway, this may be useful, but not necessarily it always is.

    PS: to avoid high coupling, consider reading series of articles by Jeppe Cramon that illustrate the problem and possible solutions very nicely.