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IdentityServer4 with persistent database

I'm trying to use IdentityServer4 with persistent database. I have an Oracle db. I'm planning on Extending the ConfigurationDbContext and PersistedGrantDbContext in order to do some oracle specific customization.


 public class IdentityPersistedGrantDbContext : PersistedGrantDbContext {
    public IdentityPersistedGrantDbContext(DbContextOptions<PersistedGrantDbContext> options, OperationalStoreOptions storeOptions)
         : base(options, storeOptions) {


public class IdentityConfigurationDbContext : ConfigurationDbContext {
    public IdentityConfigurationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ConfigurationDbContext> options, ConfigurationStoreOptions storeOptions)
         : base(options, storeOptions) {

In the startup class, I do I tell the IdentityServer to use the custom classes?


  • Implement IPersistedGrantStore as seen here. And add it to the ASP.NET Core ServiceCollection (aka the DI container).


            services.AddTransient<IPersistedGrantStore, MyPersistedGrantStore>();

    where MyPersistedGrantStore uses that DbContext to do those CRUD operations as defined in the interface/contract.