I am having problems with using OptimisticLock as a Convention. However, using OptimisticLock within Individual ClassMap's works fine. It throws Stale State Object Exceptions.
Each Class corresponding to a Table in the database has a property (which corresponds to a Column in the Table) of type DateTime which I am trying to use for Locking using OptimisticLock.Version().
It works only when I use it within every ClassMap, I don't want to write so many ClassMaps, I instead want to use Auto Mapping.
Version(x => x.UpdTs).Column("UPD_TS");
OptimisticLock.IsAny(x => x.Version());
I tried setting the DynamicUpdate, etc. Nothing seems to work for me. Please help !
Here's what I did to get it work using a Convention :
/// <summary>
/// Class represents the Convention which defines which Property/Column serves as a part of the Optimistic Locking Mechanism.
/// </summary>
public class VersionConvention : IVersionConvention, IVersionConventionAcceptance
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IVersionInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.Name == "%COLUMN_NAME%");
/// <summary>
/// Method applies additional overrides to the <see cref="IVersionInstance"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instance"><see cref="IVersionInstance"/></param>
public void Apply(IVersionInstance instance)
%COLUMN_NAME% above is the Property being used for Locking using Version.
Then specified that the Version should be used for Optimistic Locking, when creating a FluentConfiguration Object, like this
OptimisticLock.Is(x => x.Version();