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How to get modelAttribute values that are not in form, in Spring

I have an hibernate entity object. I need to update this object, so I passed this object to a form. In the form i will change some values and the others are constant. And I can not show these constant values to the client, so they should pass to next page via another method except from diplaying them explicity in a html form.

Here is my object obtained in controller and passed to the view:

public String update(@RequestParam("dataId") int id, Model md){
    Doctor dr = doctorService.getById(id);

    /*for example lets say this doctor object has following properties

    md.addAttribute("doctor", dr);

    return "object-form";

Here is my form in view :

<form:form action="save" modelAttribute="doctor" method="post">

    <form:errors path="name"></form:errors>
    <form:input path="name" placeholder="Doktor İsmi" class="form-control" />

    <form:hidden path="id" />
    <input type="submit" value="Save doc" />

From form, only name and id values are coming, however, the userId is null. I need to get this userId without post.

Here is my post-process controller that I handle the object:

public String save(@Valid Doctor dr,  BindingResult bindingResult){

    doctorValidator.validate(dr, bindingResult);
    if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        return "object-form";
        return "redirect:list";

I don't know how can achieve this r even there is way for it. I searched on Google but I did not find any solution.

Thank a lot,,


  • You can get previous doctor object from db and get the user ID from there like below:

    public String save(@Valid Doctor dr,  BindingResult bindingResult){
        Doctor prevDr = doctorService.getById(dr.getId());
        doctorValidator.validate(dr, bindingResult);
        if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
            return "object-form";
            return "redirect:list";