How can I get the RSS feed URL for the iTunes podcasts available? I want a feed which would list down all the podcasts present on iTunes. Is that possible?
As with many things Apple creates, a very limited set of functionality is exposed to third party developers. Currently, generating RSS feeds of podcasts in the iTunes Music Store does not appear to be supported. You can generate a limited set of RSS feeds for information in the iTunes store, but podcasts are not included.
You can generate these feeds using Apple's iTunes Music Store RSS Generator.
Furthermore, this really isn't the type of thing RSS is designed to do. The list of podcasts in iTunes is enormous, and wrapping each podcast in XML tags would create an even more enormous file. RSS is best used when you need to present a list of the most recent updates to something. Encoding the entire iTumes podcast catalog in RSS doesn't fit that catagory. You'll also notice that Apple's feed generator only allows you to create feeds of the few most recent or top songs, not the entire catalog.