Using the latest Angular2 Webpack Starter (v5.4.1. / Angular 2.4.6) I'm trying to build my code with the AoT compiler. In a custom form input component I have this host binding
selector: 'my-selector',
templateUrl: 'mycustominput.component.html',
host: {'(input-blur)': 'onInputBlur($event:any)'},
The build run withnpm run build:aot:prod
fails with this message
[at-loader] Checking finished with 2 errors
Error in bail mode: [at-loader] compiled/src/app/views/mycustominput.component.ngfactory.ts:142:35
TS2346: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target.
The respective line (142) in the ngfactory
is this:
141 if ((eventName == 'input-blur')) {
142 const pd_sub_0:any = ((<any>this.context.onInputBlur($event)) !== false);
143 result = (pd_sub_0 && result);
144 }
Obviously it has something to do with the host binding. No issue with this code in the dev build being JIT-compiled. Any ideas how to fix this?
Oh, my bad. It is just the event
parameter missing in the callback method in my component that AoT now complains about.
public onInputBlur() {...}
public onInputBlur(event) {...}