Search code examples

cassandra lucene - how to score a field higher

I want that a field in my table scores higher than another field. For example, I have two columns name and surname. If I search after "Hans" i want that the content in name scores higher. How can I do this using a cql statement like in the official examples.

regards Tugi


  • As stated in doc, every search type has a boost option that allows user to set a weight for every different query.

    Your use case should look like this:

    CREATE KEYSPACE test with replication = {
        'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : '1' 
    CREATE TABLE test.users (
        id bigint PRIMARY KEY,
        name text,
        surname text
    CREATE CUSTOM INDEX test_users_idx ON test.users() 
    USING 'com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.Index'
        'refresh_seconds': '1',
        'schema': '{
            fields: {
                name: {type: "string"},
    INSERT INTO test.users(id, name, surname) VALUES (1, 'Hans', 'Albers');
    INSERT INTO test.users(id, name, surname) VALUES (2, 'Quintina', 'Koch');
    INSERT INTO test.users(id, name, surname) VALUES (3, 'Orlando', 'Schwarz');
    INSERT INTO test.users(id, name, surname) VALUES (4, 'Federico', 'Hans');
    INSERT INTO test.users(id, name, surname) VALUES (5, 'Berenice', 'Schwarz');
    INSERT INTO test.users(id, name, surname) VALUES (6, 'Zaida', 'Koch');
    SELECT * FROM test.users WHERE expr(test_users_idx,'{
        query: {
            type : "boolean", 
            should : [
                {type: "match", field: "name", value: "Hans", boost: 1.5},
                {type: "match", field: "surname", value: "Hans", boost: 1.0}