My Problem is similar to the other two Questions:starting tutorial and Timeout on windows 2016. But none of it resolved my problem. (on my other search I didn't find any articles that could help my case > search timeout)
For any of the following commands:
My proxies are correctly set to my cntlm service:
when I try to get the address with curl I get the following answer:
I've tried all the troubleshoot from this link (create a new default docker machine and so on)
Do you have any idea what could I do to download hello-world (or other) container?
Finally I got it: First of all the client should be the same Version as the Server (now both are 1.13.1)
Second because I am using a Cntlm I have to create a Tunnel to forward my port from the Cntlm configuration.
ssh -R tunnelPort:proxy-Cntlm docker@ip.docker.machine
tunnelPort will be used on the docker-machine (ex: 3000 for
proxy-Cntlm is the ip + port from cntlm.ini (ex:
ip.docker.machine it can be found simply by running docker-machine ls
One more thing! you have to adjust the ~/.ssh/config (at least for cygwin)
Host docker
IdentityFile "path/to/id_rsa"
#on windows it is C:/Users/user/.docker/machine/machines/default/id_rsa when you have a default Machine