My SpringBoot configuration contains very strong retry policy for rabbitTemplate retries
enabled: true
initial-interval: 500
max-attempts: 10
multiplier: 5
max-interval: 60000
The problem with this configuration is when health endpoint is called and rabbitMQ is down, the connections hangs for really long time.
Adding properties like
spring.rabbitmq.connection-timeout=500 or
spring.rabbitmq.template.receive-timeout=500 or
spring.rabbitmq.template.reply-timeout=500 or
does not help, since the retry.multiplier=5
, so it will take a lot of time anyway.
If we disregard whether the retry policy is good or not, is there a way to disable rabbitTemplate retries for health check endpoint or at least give it some timeout?
You can override the default health indicator bean to use a template without retry enabled...
public class MyRabbitHealthIndicatorOverride
extends CompositeHealthIndicatorConfiguration<RabbitHealthIndicator, RabbitTemplate> {
public HealthIndicator rabbitHealthIndicator(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
return createHealthIndicator(new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory));