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FFMPEG replace video audio with filter_complex

I wants such a output video where audio of output is created using ffmpeg -filter_complex mechanism,

-i /uploads/videos/ 
-i /uploads/audios/1487664761-SCPbo6Tkac.mp3 
-filter_complex "
[aud2][slow_aud] amerge=inputs=2[a_merged];
[0:a]atrim=start=21.6649799347:31.6410098076 [remaining_audio]; 
-map 0:v -map "[aout]" -c:v copy -acodec mp3 

Original Audio Recorded Based On UTC timestamp Vs Original Video Recorded Based on UTC timestamp

            13:00-------- Original Event Audio -------- 13:20
       12:50------------- Event Video Recorded --------------13:30

This is my requirement

So the audio of the output video should contains

  1. First 10 seconds(12:50 - 13:00) are Audio of Event Video Recorded
  2. Next 20 seconds (13:00 -13:20) are merged audio(Original Audio+ Original Video where Original video's audio volume is .3)
  3. Remaining 10 seconds(13:21-13:30) of video will play remaing audio of video

What I am getting by above commands

  1. First 10 seconds(12:50 - 13:00) are Audio of Event Video Recorded Achieved
  2. Next 20 seconds (13:00 -13:20) are merged audio(Original Audio+ Original Video where Original video's audio volume is .3) Achieved
  3. Remaining 10 seconds(13:21-13:30) of video will play remaining audio of video Not Achieved


  • You haven't reset the timestamps of the remaining audio, as the concat filter requires. So, it should be


    A shorter way of achieving the same result is
