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RealSense OpenCV Depth Image Too Dark


I have a realsense SR300, but when I display my depth image in a opencv window, it looks too dark. How can I fix this? When I run the realsense examples the images look good, but the examples use OpenGL. But I need OpenCV for my projects. Here is my code:

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  // realsense camera setup
  // Create a context object. This object owns the handles to all connected realsense devices
  rs::context ctx;
  if (ctx.get_device_count() == 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("No device detected. Is it plugged in?");
  // Access the first available RealSense device
  rs::device * dev = ctx.get_device(0);
  // Configure depth to run at VGA resolution at 30 frames per second
  dev->enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, 640, 480, rs::format::z16, 30);
  rs::intrinsics depth_intrin;
  rs::format depth_format;
  depth_intrin = dev->get_stream_intrinsics(rs::stream::depth);
  depth_format = dev->get_stream_format(rs::stream::depth);
  cv::namedWindow("Send Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

  /* Set callbacks prior to calling start(). */
  auto depth_callback = [depth_intrin, depth_format](rs::frame f)
    cv::Mat image(cv::Size(640, 480), CV_16UC1,
      (void*)f.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
    cv::imshow("Send Display Image", image);
  /* callback to grab depth fream and publish it. */
  dev->set_frame_callback(rs::stream::depth, depth_callback);
  // Start streaming

  return 0;

I am not sure why my image is so dark. I want it to look something like the kinect or the Xtion when I run openni_launch from ROS


  • Edit:

    The normalized function below produces some flickering:

    • I suspect that is due to the maximal depth value flickering.
    • The minimal depth value is always 0 as this value is used when the depth is invalid and thus the depth range becomes false.

    Instead you should use this:

    void make_depth_histogram(const Mat &depth, Mat &normalized_depth) {
      normalized_depth = Mat(depth.size(), CV_8U);
      int width = depth.cols, height = depth.rows;
      static uint32_t histogram[0x10000];
      memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(histogram));
      for(int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
      for(int i = 2; i < 0x10000; ++i) histogram[i] += histogram[i-1]; // Build a cumulative histogram for the indices in [1,0xFFFF]
      for(int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
          if (uint16_t d =<ushort>(i,j)) {
            int f = histogram[d] * 255 / histogram[0xFFFF]; // 0-255 based on histogram location
  <uchar>(i,j) = static_cast<uchar>(f);
          } else {
  <uchar>(i,j) = 0;

    What you observe is because the depth stream is coded on 16 bits (rs::stream::z16) whereas when displayed only 8 bits will be used.

    You can normalized your depth map:

    double min, max;
    minMaxLoc(depth, &min, &max);
    Mat depth_normalized;
    double alpha = 255.0/(max-min);
    depth.convertTo(depth_normalized, CV_8U, alpha, -min*alpha);

    Or use a kind of colormap to display the depth: make_depth_histogram().

    Full demo code:

    inline void make_depth_histogram(const Mat &depth, Mat &color_depth) {
      color_depth = Mat(depth.size(), CV_8UC3);
      int width = depth.cols, height = depth.rows;
      static uint32_t histogram[0x10000];
      memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(histogram));
      for(int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
      for(int i = 2; i < 0x10000; ++i) histogram[i] += histogram[i-1]; // Build a cumulative histogram for the indices in [1,0xFFFF]
      for(int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
          if (uint16_t d =<ushort>(i,j)) {
            int f = histogram[d] * 255 / histogram[0xFFFF]; // 0-255 based on histogram location
  <Vec3b>(i,j) = Vec3b(f, 0, 255 - f);
          } else {
  <Vec3b>(i,j) = Vec3b(0, 5, 20);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        // Create a context object. This object owns the handles to all connected realsense devices
        rs::context ctx;
        // Access the first available RealSense device
        rs::device * dev = ctx.get_device(0);
        // Configure Infrared stream to run at VGA resolution at 30 frames per second
        dev->enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, 640, 480, rs::format::z16, 30);
        // Start streaming
        // Camera warmup - Dropped several first frames to let auto-exposure stabilize
        for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        // Creating OpenCV Matrix from a color image
        Mat depth(Size(640, 480), CV_16U, (void*)dev->get_frame_data(rs::stream::depth), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
        // Create a color depth
        Mat color_depth;
        make_depth_histogram(depth, color_depth);
        // Create a normalized depth
        double min, max;
        minMaxLoc(depth, &min, &max);
        Mat depth_normalized;
        double alpha = 255.0/(max-min);
        depth.convertTo(depth_normalized, CV_8U, alpha, -min*alpha);
        // Display in a GUI
        imshow("Display normalized depth", depth_normalized);
        imshow("Display color depth", color_depth);
        return 0;