I have command and this command connect to google analytics API and gets some data. This works but I try to wrote a test and don't know how to simulate google API connection. My first idea was to mock google API in context but how to inject this mock to command?
* @inheritdoc
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void
//connect to google service
/** @var $googleClient \Google_Client*/
$googleClient = $this->googleConnect();
/** @var $shopTokenEntity TokenEntity */
foreach ($tokensDataProvider as $shopTokenEntity) {
//refresh token if necessary
$this->refreshToken($googleClient, $shopTokenEntity);
$clientGA = new AnalyticsConversion($googleClient);
/** @var $analytics \Google_Service_Analytics*/
$analytics = $clientGA->getAnalyticsService();
try {
//do some other staff get data and save to db
} catch (\Google_Service_Exception $err) {
* @return \Google_Client
private function googleConnect(): \Google_Client
/** @var $conversionApp ClientConversionFactory */
$conversionApp = $this->container->get('google.client_conversion.factory');
/** @var $googleClient \Google_Client */
$googleClient = $conversionApp->connect();
return $googleClient;
* @param \Google_Client $googleClient
* @param TokenEntity $tokenEntity
private function refreshToken(\Google_Client $googleClient, TokenEntity $tokenEntity): void
//set Auth
//refresh and save token if needed
if ($googleClient->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
$this->getLogger()->addInfo("Refresh token for ShopID: " . $tokenEntity->getShopId());
//save token to db
My second idea was to add EventListener and change method when I connect to google service to specific event dispatcher and mock this event. Any idea will be very helpful.
I use someting like this:
$client = static::createClient();
$ldap = $this->getMockBuilder('AppBundle\Services\Security\LdapManager')
$client->getContainer()->set('app.ldap', $ldap);
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/');