I am using rails 5.
I want to send emails to 100 users from my rails application.
I have added delayed_job gem to send emails asynchronously.
Following is the code:
UserMailer.delay.send_mail(email, subject, body)
def send_mail(email, subject, body)
mail(to: email, subject: subject, body: body, content_type: "text/html")
Q. I need to know, how to send mails to 5 user per minute?
Q. If I used delayed_job to send mails to 100 users, there are 100 jobs under delayed_job table. Can I send mail in batches?
Assuming you want to send the same subject and body to every recipient, I would use find_in_batches and the run_at parameter.
# UserMailer
def send_email_batch(emails, subject, body)
emails.each do |email|
send_email(email, subject, body)
# Controller
now = Time.current
User.find_in_batches(batch_size: 5).with_index do |users, batch|
UserMailer.delay(run_at: now + batch * 60).send_email_batch(users.map(&:email), subject, body)