I am attempting to set the leak period in SonarQube 5.6.5 using Sonar Scanner with a properties file or command line argument, but I am having no success.
I would like to set the sonar.timemachine.period1
property to a specific version, e.g., 1.0.0
, as is mentinoned in solution 2 (using sonar-project.properties
) or solution 3 (using command line paramter, e.g., -Dsonar.timemachine.period1=1.0.0
) of the accepted answer for Sonar runner, seeonly newly introduced issues.
Here is the scenario that reproduces my issue.
and sonar.timemachine.period1=1.0.0
and sonar.timemachine.period1=1.0.0
.After the second and third analysis I would expect the leak period to be "since 1.0.0
" (which is the behavior if I manually set the leak period in the SonarQube admin section to 1.0.0
). Instead, for the third analysis the leak period is being set to 2.0.0
What am I missing? Is this a bug?
Setting the sonar.timemachine.period1
via 'normal' property is not sufficient, you will need to set properties via REST Api - note you'll need admin rights.
Had the same problem when using the Sonarqube Ant Task and created a macrodef for that purpose.
See :
Sonarqube Wep API documentation
Sonarqube set leak period to specific version other than previous version