I'm trying to trigger Oozie job through shell script. But on execution of shell script am getting the below error:
"command not found" error in the line: ooziejob =$(oozie job -oozie http://oozieserver:port/oozie -config /root/SqoopWrapper1/sqoop_job.properties -run);
My shell script consisting of oozie command is;
echo "internal field sep"
while read SourceDB db_name Mysql_table hdfsdir libpath
echo "do...while"
if [ SourceDB = Mysql ]
driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
jdbcUri = jdbc:mysql://host:3306
Mysql_table = WrapperTbl
UserName = ****
Password = ****
echo "Oozie command exe"
ooziejob =$(oozie job -oozie http://oozieserver:port/oozie -config /root/SqoopWrapper1/sqoop_job.properties -run);
echo $ooziejob;
done < $input
exit 0
You have a space before the equal-sign.
BTW, if you post this kind of questions, you should always say what shell and what OS you are using.