I'm working with vBulletin forums and I'm trying to get results from one table if it exists in another table.
This is the creation of the table the data is from
$db->query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "drc_settings ADD thread_ids varchar(50) NOT NULL default '0'");
I have created an input field meant for comma separated numbers (thread ID's). That submits to this column, so a result in this column would look like:
Another column in this table is threadid, this is the thread the post was submitted from.
So this is what we have in the drc_settings table
threadid thread_ids
5 1,46,23
Now another table that exists is thread, in the thread table we have:
threadid title
46 Some Title
What I need to know is, how do I get the title from thread if thread_ids or drc_settings match threadid of thread?
This is where I'm at with it, but I'm a little out of my element on this one.
$res = $post['thread_ids'];
$res = explode (',', $res);
$post['drcid'] = '<ul>';
foreach ( $res as $ret ) {
thread.threadid, drc.threadid AS threadid,
thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "drc_settings AS drc ON (drc.threadid=thread.threadid)
WHERE thread.threadid VAR (" . $ret . ")
$post['drcid'] .= '<li><a href="showthread.php?t=' . $ret . '">'. $thread[threadtitle] .'</a></li>';
$post['drcid'] .= '</ul>';
If I remove the query from the foreach, I am able to get $res to return 1 46 23 which is stumping me why the query isn't working properly.
The end result will be a list of links to each thread specified in the input, I.E:
This is the error returned with the current setup I have
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.9:
Invalid SQL:
thread.threadid, drc.threadid AS threadid,
thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle
FROM thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN drc_settings AS drc ON (drc.threadid=thread.threadid)
WHERE thread.threadid VAR (1);
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax;
Using $ret (the parent threadid)...
$query="SELECT B.threadid,B.title
FROM drc.settings A
LEFT JOIN thread B
ON FIND_IN_SET(B.threadid,A.threadids)
WHERE A.threadid={$ret};"
Then loop through the resultset as needed to build the $post array.