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How to create and run a make file for C?

I have 3 files


and I am running via the GCC compiler. Usually I would type in:

gcc helloheader.h hellomain.c hellofunc.c -o results

And everything would run.

How could this be converted to a makefile? I know I have to title it makefile. I know I have to call it by typing in make in the compiler. But not sure what to actually type in the makefile.


  • Just about the simplest makefile possible for a project like your would be something like this:

    # The name of the source files
    SOURCES = hellomain.c hellofunc.c
    # The name of the executable
    EXE = results
    # Flags for compilation (adding warnings are always good)
    CFLAGS = -Wall
    # Flags for linking (none for the moment)
    # Libraries to link with (none for the moment)
    LIBS =
    # Use the GCC frontend program when linking
    LD = gcc
    # This creates a list of object files from the source files
    OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:%.c=%.o)
    # The first target, this will be the default target if none is specified
    # This target tells "make" to make the "all" target
    default: all
    # Having an "all" target is customary, so one could write "make all"
    # It depends on the executable program
    all: $(EXE)
    # This will link the executable from the object files
    $(EXE): $(OBJECTS)
        $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o  $(EXE) $(LIBS)
    # This is a target that will compiler all needed source files into object files
    # We don't need to specify a command or any rules, "make" will handle it automatically
    %.o: %.c
    # Target to clean up after us
        -rm -f $(EXE)      # Remove the executable file
        -rm -f $(OBJECTS)  # Remove the object files
    # Finally we need to tell "make" what source and header file each object file depends on
    hellomain.o: hellomain.c helloheader.h
    hellofunc.o: hellofunc.c helloheader.h

    It could be even simpler, but with this you have some flexibility.

    Just for completeness sake, this is probably the most simple makefile possible:

    results: hellomain.c hellofunc.c helloheader.h
        $(CC) hellomain.c hellofunc.c -o results

    This is basically doing what you're already doing on the command-line. It's not very flexible and it will rebuild everything if any file changes.