the input images are a.jpg and b.jpg these two image stored in for example comp folder.and want to write the segmented image in segment folder.but I think for looping problem segmentation repeated for so many times for each image.And I could't solve the problem. here is my code
srcFiles = dir('C:\Users\Nurul\Desktop\comp\*.jpg');
for i = 1 : length(srcFiles)
filename = strcat('C:\Users\Nurul\Desktop\comp\',srcFiles(i).name);
a = imread(filename);
figure,imshow(LLL); title('segmented Image');
hold on
for J=1:numel(s)
baseFileName = sprintf('%d.jpg', i); % e.g. "1.png"
fullFileName = fullfile(Resultado, baseFileName);
imwrite(im1, fullFileName);
plz help thanks
You are saving your data as jpg
, big mistake!
Still, if you want to keep the data saved as jpg
, remember that it will not be saved as a binary image, and that means you need to binarize it again! Otherwise, every little pixel noise will be detected as data by regionprops
, thats why you get so many squares.
Just add
a = imread(filename);
a=im2bw(a,0.5); % Add this line. The fancy way would be im2bw(a,graythresh(a)), but 0.5 will do in your case