Below I'm trying to inject the PlatformCtrl into my $stateProvider object:
"use strict";
module.exports = angular.module('tickertags', [
'headers', // headers (platform, view, timespan)
'tickertags-auth', // authentication / authentication_module.js
'settings', // settings
'tags', // tags / tags_module.js
'tickers', // tickers / tickers_module.js
'ui.mask', //
'ui.router', //
'ui.bootstrap' //,
PlatformCtrl) {
const platformHeader = {
name: 'platformheader',
templateUrl: "headers/platform/platform_header.html",
controller: PlatformCtrl,
controllerAs: "ph",
transclude: true,
bindings: {
ticker: '<',
startEpoch: '<',
endEpoch: '<',
timespan: '<',
feed_open: '<'
Getting the following error:
Failed to instantiate module tickertags due to: Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: PlatformCtrl
module.exports = angular
.controller('PlatformCtrl', PlatformCtrl);
PlatformCtrl.$inject = [
function PlatformCtrl(
$element) {
What I'm trying to avoid is having to place all my Controller code for each Component in my app.js > config space:
$stateProvider.state('tags', {
parent: 'tickers',
url: "/:ticker",
views: {
'tagsPanel@': {
template: '<p>Tags for {{$ctrl.ticker}}</p>',
controllerAs: '$ctrl',
bindToController: true,
controller: function($stateParams) {
this.$onInit = function() {'Tags Panel 2 $onInit');
this.ticker = $stateParams["ticker"];
^ my app.js would be huge and the Controllers should be modularized anyways.
The first thing is that controllers are not available during config phase. The second thing is that controllers aren't available for DI, they are instantiated with $controller
It is
controller: 'PlatformCtrl',