I'm working on a project and I need to show/hide several pdfs on html page. This is the part at which the pdf is shown (on click show and hide other pdf)
It acts fine with 2 pdfs. But I need to hide more than one pdf at the time. For example:
on click: Laplace.pdf shows up, while Fourier.pdf AND Z.pdf AND integral.pdf must hide of. And so on...
I see the thing is at the <<var hide = document.getElementById('test');
>> but i can't make getelementbyID work for more IDs. I tried to make it with document.querySelectorAll, but it doesn't work.
Here is a portion of my HTML:
<input type="button" onclick="var id = document.getElementById('test'); var hide = document.getElementById('test2'); if(id.style.display == 'block'){ id.style.display = 'none'; id.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }else{ id.style.display = 'block'; id.style.visibility = 'visible'; hide.style.display = 'none'; hide.style.visibility = 'hidden';}" value="preview pdf" class="button"/>
<embed src="laplace.pdf" style="WIDTH:60%; HEIGHT:500; display:none; visibility: hidden;" id="test" name="test">
Any help would be really thankful.
I have changed the whole answer to be using jQuery. You have to:
on all the embed
element of the pdfs (class="pdf"
...). And remove the onclick
property it won't be needed.hidden
.$(function() {
$("embed.pdf").addClass("hidden"); // on load, hide all pdfs
$("[data-pdf]").click(function() { // when clicking an element with the attribute data-pdf (the buttons)
var id = $(this).data("pdf"); // get the value of that data-pdf attribute (which is the id of the pdf element to show or hide)
$this = $('#' + id); // get the pdf element itself using that id
if ($this.hasClass("hidden")) { // if the element is hidden
$("embed.pdf").addClass("hidden"); // then hide all other pdfs
$this.removeClass("hidden"); // and show it
} else { // otherwise
$this.addClass("hidden"); // hide it
.hidden {
display: none;
embed {
border: 1px solid black;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="button" data-pdf="test" value="show test" />
<input type="button" data-pdf="other" value="show other" />
<input type="button" data-pdf="something" value="show something" />
<embed src="test.pdf" id="test" name="test" class="pdf">
<embed src="pdf.pdf" id="other" name="other" class="pdf">
<embed src="yet another.pdf" id="something" name="something" class="pdf">