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How to duplicate slide using google slide api

I have installed google slide API and it works perfectly. I can add and modify slide, but I need to duplicate a specific slide by id. I follow docmumentation GOOGLE SLIDE API and I found this function Google slide api duplicate object but it give me error. this is my code function :

        '{{ARTICLE_PRICE}}'=> '100',

And this is the error :

Invalid requests[0].duplicateObject: The object with objectId ARTICLE_NAME could not be found

My slide with id g796f0ce3dc2930a6_1 looks like :

enter image description here


  • This is my solution to resolve that problem:

    1. step 1- create one presentation that has a slide table
    2. step 2- create a blank presentation
    3. step 3- call presentation that had the slide to duplicate by using this function that I created:

    NB: The $external_page has all slides of your presentation, so you can loop on it like that

        public function createSingleSlide(array $slide_elements,string         $presentationId,string $id_slide_multiple){
        $external_page = $this->getPresentation($presentationId);
        $index = 0;
        foreach ($external_page['slides'] as $key => $value) {
            if($value['objectId'] != $id_slide_multiple ){
                // create a blank slide
                $slideId = 'slide_'.rand();
                $requests_slide = $this->createSlide($slideId,$index);
                $response = $this->executeRequest($requests_slide);
                foreach ($value['pageElements'] as $key_pe => $value_pe) {
                    // we have to do test here if shape or table
                        $shapeType  = $value_pe['shape']['shapeType'];
                        $elementId  = $shapeType.'_'.rand();
                        $textElements =  $value_pe['shape']['text']['textElements'];
                        $requests = $this->createShape($elementId,$shapeType,$slideId,$value_pe['size'],$value_pe['transform']);
                        $response = $this->executeRequest($requests);
                        //insert all text of shape, table...etcs
                        foreach ($textElements as $key_text => $value_text) {
                            $text = $value_text['textRun']['content'];
                            if(isset($text) && !empty($text && $text !="\n") ){
                                $requests_text = $this->insertText($elementId,$text);
                                $response = $this->executeRequest($requests_text);
                                $requests_style = $this->updateTextStyle($elementId,$value_text['textRun']['style']);
                                $response = $this->executeRequest($requests_style);
                    }elseif (isset($value_pe['table'])) {
                        $rows       = $value_pe['table']['rows'];
                        $columns    = $value_pe['table']['columns'];
                        $elementId  = 'Table_'.rand();
                        $requests_table = $this->createTable($elementId,$slideId,$value_pe['size'],$value_pe['transform'],$rows,$columns);
                        $response = $this->executeRequest($requests_table);
                        // insert all rows in table
                        foreach ($value_pe['table']['tableRows'] as $key_rows => $value_rows) {
                            foreach ($value_rows['tableCells'] as $key_cells => $value_cells) {
                                $textElements           = $value_cells['text']['textElements'];
                                $tableCellProperties    = $value_cells['tableCellProperties'];
                                $location               = array();
                                $rowSpan                = $value_cells['rowSpan'];
                                $columnSpan             = $value_cells['columnSpan'];
                                    $location['rowIndex'] = $value_cells['location']['rowIndex'];
                                    $location['columnIndex'] = $value_cells['location']['columnIndex'];
                                //insert all text of shape, table...etcs
                                foreach ($textElements as $key_text => $value_text) {
                                    $text = $value_text['textRun']['content'];
                                    $requests_text_and_style =array();
                                    if(isset($text) && !empty($text && $text !="\n") ){
                                        $requests_text_and_style[] = $this->insertTableText($elementId,$text,$location);
                                        $requests_text_and_style[] = $this->updateTableCellProperties($elementId,$tableCellProperties,$location,$rowSpan,$columnSpan);
                                        $requests_text_and_style[] = $this->updateTextStyleTable($elementId,$value_text['textRun']['style'],$location);
                                        $response = $this->executeRequest($requests_text_and_style);
                // replace varaibales in slide $slideId
                $requests_texts = array(); 
                    $requests_texts[] = $this->replaceText($slide_elements['replaceText']);
                    $requests_texts[] = $this->replaceAllShapesWithImage($slide_elements['replaceAllShapesWithImage']);
                $response = $this->executeRequest($requests_texts);

    You can get $presentationId on your link presentation G-slide{{presentationId}}/edit#slide=id.p All of this function :

    • createSlide()
    • executeRequest
    • createShape
    • insertText
    • updateTextStyle
    • replaceText
    • replaceAllShapesWithImage
    • createTable
    • ...

    You can found how to create it on Google slide API very simple. Good look!.