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Google Streetview Android / iOS SDK vs indoor panorama

Anyone having luck with Google Streetview SDK for Android or iOS and indoor panorama as default position of camera? If i supply lat long position that corresponds to indoor, i see either nothing, or i am placed on the street nearby. Unlike with Google Streetview JS SDK where the indoor streetview seems to work.

On Android i was working with 9.0.1 services version, then i tried the 10.2 as shown below

compile ''

What is interesting that when the streetview is opened i am able to get into building by traveling on the street, but i am not able to set the inital location in building by calling panorama.setPosition() unlike with JS SDK.


  • I found only one solution - setPosition with panoId identifier. You can get the panoId by watching the onStreetViewPanoramaChange listener while manually traveling the camera inside of building in openened Streetview.