// a simpler thing that would get me what I need is: How do I concatenate each the values of a variable1 with each values of variable2
$Var1 = 'my1, my2, my3'; // here I have dozens of entries, they are symbols
$Var2 = 'word1, word2, word3'; // here also dozens of entries, are words.
How do I have all the keys of a variable, placed together of the keys of another variable?
$Values_that_I_needed = 'my1word1, my1word2, my1word3, my2word1, my2word2, my2word3, my3word1, my3word2, my3word3';
How would I build this values this variable up with all those values without having to type everything!?
Imagine an example with 60 my1, my2 … and 130 word1, word2 …. it’s my case! Put each of the 60my before each of the 130 words !! // I need to concatenate / join / join each values / keys of a variable, with all the values/keys of another variable, to avoid making all these combinations by hand. and put in another variable.
The solution using explode
and trim
$Var1 = 'my1, my2, my3'; // here I have dozens of entries, they are symbols
$Var2 = 'word1, word2, word3';
$result = "";
$var2_list = explode(',', $Var2);
foreach (explode(',', $Var1) as $w1) {
foreach ($var2_list as $w2) {
$result .= trim($w1) . trim($w2). ', ';
$result = trim($result, ', ');
The output:
my1word1, my1word2, my1word3, my2word1, my2word2, my2word3, my3word1, my3word2, my3word3