I created a Rails app to allow visitors to read magazines online. I created two scaffolds, one for the magazine itself and one for the pages inside the magazines, that will be scanned images.
The thing is, I use the pages number (an integer) as reference instead of the id, since I want the the magazine's first page's url to look like so : localhost:3000/magazines/magazine-test/1
, instead of its ID. So, when uploading a new magazine, I create a loop that increments the pagazine page's number with the help of the loop's index.
Here is my "create" action so that you have a good view of what I'm talking about:
def create
@magazine = Magazine.new(magazine_params)
if @magazine.save
(params[:images] || []).each_with_index do |image, index|
@magazine.pages.create(image: image, page_number: index + 1)
redirect_to @magazine, notice: 'Magazine créé'
render :new
My issue is that if I try to update this magazine and add a few more pages, the page numbers will fall back to 1. So I tried to edit my "update" action as following:
def update
if @magazine.update(magazine_params)
if params[:images]
(params[:images] || []).each_index do |image, index|
@pages = @magazine.pages.order("page_number DESC").first
@magazine.pages.create(image: image, page_number: @pages + index + 1)
redirect_to @magazine, notice: 'Magazine mis à jour'
render :edit
However, with this method, I get the following error: NoMethodError in MagazinesController#update
undefined method '+' for #<Page:0x007fe694b15af8>
I tried a few things (like converting the variable into integer), but I still get this error.
Anyone as an idea ?
Thank you in advance
change this line:
@magazine.pages.create(image: image, page_number: @pages + index + 1)
@magazine.pages.create(image: image, page_number: @pages.page_number || 0 + index + 1)