After upgrading from specs 2.4.13 to 3.7.1
"foo" should {
"bar" >> prop((i: Int) =>
i % 50 must be>= 0
no longer compiles. It fails with
type mismatch;
[error] found : org.specs2.specification.core.Fragment
[error] required: org.specs2.matcher.Matcher[String]
[error] "bar" >> prop((i: Int) =>
[error] ^
Changing it to
"foo" >> {
"bar" >> prop((i: Int) =>
i % 50 must be>= 0
will allow it to compile and pass.
Has the behaviour of should
been changed?
I don't get such error in 3.8.8
. However this might be the result of should
being used for a block of examples and should
as a matcher construct (a should be_>=(0)
You can remove the latter usage by mixing-in org.specs2.matcher.NoShouldExpectations