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Suppress output to stderr in matlab

I'm trying to suppress output from a code section in a script (namely the network initialization from a Caffe network). I've tried wrapping the corresponding bit of code in an evalc command

[suppressed_output, var_output] = evalc('someFunction(input)');

But this doesn't work. I've still got loads of lines of (non-error) output from the network initialization that are clogging my logs (amidst all the wanted output printed via fprintf('') in the script). I think this happens because the corresponding function is writing to STDERR (instead of STDOUT?) - the first line it prints is this warning:

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR

... and then hundreds of lines of what it is doing follow, e.g.:

I0215 15:01:51.840272 28620 upgrade_proto.cpp:66] Attempting to upgrade input file specified using deprecated input fields: tmp-def.prototxt
I0215 15:01:51.840360 28620 upgrade_proto.cpp:69] Successfully upgraded file specified using deprecated input fields.

Can I somehow suppress the output to STDERR (without messing with the function content)? Ideally only locally for this specific function, since I'd still like to get potential error messages.

In case it is relevant: I call myScript via matlab command line and its output written to a log (mlexec.log) with tee:

matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -display :1 -r "try, myScript; catch e, disp(getReport(e)), end, quit force" 2>&1| tee mlexec.log


  • The problem here is, that in the matlab command line call, the output from STDERR is streamed to STDOUT by this "command": 2>&1. Since the .cpp file seems to stream its output to STDERR (according to the Warning), it will be forwarded to STDOUT and eventually the log.

    Streaming STDERR (2) to Nirvana with 2>NUL or a different log file (e.g. 2>mlexec.stderr.log) solves the problem.