UPDATE 2: http://htmlpurifier.org/phorum/read.php?3,5088,5113 Author has already identified the problem.
UPDATE: Issue appears to be exclusive to version 4.2.0. I have downgraded to 4.1.0 and it works. Thank you for all your help. Author of package notified.
I am scraping some pages like:
According to W3C validation it is valid XHTML Strict.
I am then using http://htmlpurifier.org/ to purify the HTML before loading into a DOMDocument. However it is only returning a single line of content.
12:15 Catterick Bridge - Tuesday 1st January 2008 - Timeform | Betfair
echo $content; # all good
$purifier = new \HTMLPurifier();
$content = $purifier->purify($content);
echo $content; # all bad
BTW it works for data sourced from another site, just as you say leaves the title for all pages from this domain.
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You should not need the HTML purifier. The DOMDocument class will take care of everything for you. However, it will trigger a warning on invalid html, so just do this:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
Then the error will not be triggered, and you can do what you wish with the HTML.
If you are scraping links, I would recommend that you use SimpleXMLElement::xpath(); That is much easier than working with the DOMDocument. Another example on that:
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content);
$result = $xml->xpath('a/@href');
You can get much more complex xpaths that allow you to specifiy class names, ids, and other attributes. This is much more powerful than DOMDocument.