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Using Hugo, how can I access a variable from a partial file that is defined in base file?

I'm new to using Hugo and Go Templates. How can I access a variable from a partial file that is defined in base file using Hugo?

For eg: I have an index.html file which contains code that reads the data stored in the events.json file in the data directory and stores it in a variable. How can I access that variable from another file?


{{ $events := }}

{{ partial "people" . }}


// access the events variable from the index.html
{{ $events }}

I really hope this makes sense. I can try and clarify more if needed.


  • 0.15 introduced a map that can be used for this.


    {{ $events := }}
    {{ partial "people" (dict "events" $events) }}


    // access the events variable from the index.html
    {{ .events }}