I want to know (I tried to but program freezes) if there's a way to create a function that returns a char* or a char[], so I don't have to modify the String I'm sending to the function, to learn how to make my code more eloquent.
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOW_LETTERS 97
#define CAP_LETTERS 65
#define N_LETTERS 26
#define DIFF 32
#define NUMBERS 48
#define N_DIGITS 9
void transformText ( char text[] )
for ( int i = 0 ; text[i] != '\0' ; i++ )
if ( ( text[i] >= LOW_LETTERS ) && ( text[i] <= LOW_LETTERS + N_LETTERS ) )
text[ i ] = text [ i ] - DIFF ; //same letter, but upper case
if ( ( text [ i ] >= CAP_LETTERS ) && ( text[i] <= CAP_LETTERS + N_LETTERS ) )
text [ i ] = text [ i ] + DIFF ; //same letter, but lower case
if ( text [i] >= NUMBERS && text[i] <= NUMBERS + N_DIGITS )
text[i] = '*'; //turns every number to a '*'
int main (void)
char text[] = "foOo123Oo44O99oO00" ;
transformText ( text ) ;
printf ( "%s\n", text ) ; //prints FOoO***oO**o**Oo**
return 0 ;
This is the way I solved it, I think I'm having a memory leak thought, ain't I? Notice that I'm not modifying the original String, which is what I was intending to do, also I don't really know where to put the free(newText)
so it is recognized, but still usable for main()
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOW_LETTERS 97
#define CAP_LETTERS 65
#define N_LETTERS 26
#define DIFF 32
#define NUMBERS 48
#define N_DIGITS 9
#define BUFFER 128
char* transformText ( char text[] )
char *newText = (char *) malloc (BUFFER) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; text[i] != '\0' ; i++ )
if ( ( text[i] >= LOW_LETTERS ) && ( text[i] <= LOW_LETTERS + N_LETTERS ) )
newText[ i ] = text [ i ] - DIFF ; //same letter, but upper case
if ( ( text [ i ] >= CAP_LETTERS ) && ( text[i] <= CAP_LETTERS + N_LETTERS ) )
newText [ i ] = text [ i ] + DIFF ; //same letter, but lower case
if ( text [i] >= NUMBERS && text[i] <= NUMBERS + N_DIGITS )
newText[i] = '*'; //turns every number to a '*'
newText[i] = text[i] ;
return newText ;
int main (void)
char text[] = "foOo123Oo44O99oO00" ;
printf ( "%s\n", transformText ( text ) ) ; //prints FOoO***oO**o**Oo**
return 0 ;
In general, yes, you are all good to have a function that returns a char *
, but you need to be careful about a few things, like
or family and return the pointer. You need to free()
the memory also, once you're done using it.EDIT:
So, once you got the returned pointer in the caller and done with it's usage, you need to release the memory allocated earlier by calling free()
and passing the pointer. In your case, it should look like
char * res = transformText ( text );
printf ( "%s\n", res ); // use the returned pointer
free(res); // release memory
return 0 ; // done