I have two files. The first file has three hundred thousand records shown example (file1
) and second file has one hundred thousand records, shown example (file2
). I am basically doing a grep of each entry on file2
with file1
and retrieve all that is in file1. I am doing this with a normal for loop:
for i in `cat file2.txt`; do cat file1 | grep -i -w $i; done > /var/tmp/file3.txt
As the data is too huge it takes me 8+ hours to complete this operation.. I need your expertise in giving me an option on how can I do this in an efficient way to deliver this in less than 2-3 hours.
Example entries
server1:user1:x:13621:22324:User One:/users/user1:/bin/ksh |
server1:user2:x:14537:100:User two:/users/user2:/bin/bash |
server1:user3:x:14598:24:User three:/users/user3:/bin/bash |
server1:user4:x:14598:24:User Four:/users/user4:/bin/bash |
server1:user5:x:14598:24:User Five:/users/user5:/bin/bash |
Give this a shot.
Test Data:
%_Host@User> head file1.txt file2.txt
==> file1.txt <==
server1:user1:x:13621:22324:User One:/users/user1:/bin/ksh |
server1:user2:x:14537:100:User two:/users/user2:/bin/bash |
server1:user3:x:14598:24:User three:/users/user3:/bin/bash |
server1:user4:x:14598:24:User Four:/users/user4:/bin/bash |
server1:user5:x:14598:24:User Five:/users/user5:/bin/bash |
==> file2.txt <==
%_Host@User> ./2comp.pl file1.txt file2.txt ; cat output_comp
server1:user1:x:13621:22324:User One:/users/user1:/bin/ksh |
server1:user3:x:14598:24:User three:/users/user3:/bin/bash |
server1:user2:x:14537:100:User two:/users/user2:/bin/bash |
Script: Please give this one more try. Re-check the file order. File1 first and then file second: ./2comp.pl file1.txt file2.txt
%_Host@User> cat 2comp.pl
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Data::Dumper ;
my ($file2,$file1,$output) = (@ARGV,"output_comp") ;
my (%hash,%tmp) ;
(scalar @ARGV != 2 ? (print "Need 2 files!\n") : ()) ? exit 1 : () ;
for (@ARGV) {
open FH, "<$_" || die "Cannot open $_\n" ;
while (my $line = <FH>){$line =~ s/^.+[()].+$| +?$//g ; chomp $line ; $hash{$_}{$line} = "$line"}
close FH ;}
open FH, ">>$output" || die "Cannot open outfile!\n" ;
foreach my $k1 (keys %{$hash{$file1}}){
foreach my $k2 (keys %{$hash{$file2}}){
if ($k2 =~ m/^.+?$k1.+?$/i){ # Case Insensitive matching.
if (!defined $tmp{"$hash{$file2}{$k2}"}){
print FH "$hash{$file2}{$k2}\n" ;
$tmp{"$hash{$file2}{$k2}"} = 1 ;
}}}} close FH ;
# End.
Thanks good luck.