I'm using the following LinearAxis as my X-Axis, I'd like to set the minimum as 0 and maximum as 300. But in some situation, the X-Axis can go beyond 300. In that case, I want the x-axis to auto scroll.
<oxy:LinearAxis Position="Bottom" MajorGridlineStyle="Dot" Title="seconds"
MinWidth="100" Minimum="0" Maximum="300"
IsPanEnabled="True" ></oxy:LinearAxis>
I know that if I don't set Minimum or Maximum, the axis is actually auto-scaling, but it auto-scales from the very beginning regardless of the set maximum value, which is not what I want.
Any setting should I try on the LinearAxis?
You can bind the ItemsSource
property of the Series
to ObservableCollection<DataPoint>
and handle CollectionChanged
event. Something like this:
((ObservableCollection<DataPoint>)Points1).CollectionChanged += PlotPointsChanged;
((ObservableCollection<DataPoint>)Points2).CollectionChanged += PlotPointsChanged;
in which
void PlotPointsChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
double max = 300;
foreach (OxyPlot.Wpf.Series ser in oxyp.Series)
foreach (DataPoint dp in ser.ItemsSource)
if (dp.X > max)
max = dp.X;
botAxis.Maximum = max;
please note that oxyp is the name of the Plot
and botAxis is the axis you are using.
Hope it helps.