I'm using Google Maps SDK for my Xamarin.iOS app and i got an problem.
I want to put MapView into specific UIView(that was created on Storyboard) and that is no so easy as expected.
At current moment i have tried to put MapView class into my UIView class(in native iOS Development its an solution),but it didn't worked.
Also i have tried to do something like this:
//init google SDK stuff
MyViewWhereIWantToPutGoogleMaps.AddSubview(MapView); // and the same,no effect
Any ideas? Thanks.
Remember you need to indicate the CGRect for the MapView object.
If you want it to cover the whole space in MyViewWhereIWantToPutGoogleMaps
you just do:
var frame = MyViewWhereIWantToPutGoogleMaps.Frame;
var googleMaps = new Google.Maps.MapView (new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, frame.Width, frame.Height));
MyViewWhereIWantToPutGoogleMaps.AddSubview (googleMaps);
Hope this helps.-