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Rails 5 - how to whitelist the param for an ENTIRE jsonb postgres column in a controller?

I have tried to use the suggested example from github. You can also find it on some answers like this one for Rails 4.

I have tried this in Rails 5.0.1 and I just get an empty hash {} stored in the database:

def proposal_params
  params.require(:proposal).permit(:document, :account_id).tap do |whitelisted|
    whitelisted[:document] = params[:proposal][:document]

Obviously if I just do permit! it works.

I also tried an answer from this question:

def proposal_params
  params.require(:proposal).permit(:account_id, document: Proposal.stored_attributes[:document])

but that also does not work.

The :document attribute contains json which is never the same between requests...and is a long and complex structure.

I just need to dump it as is into a jsonb column.

For the curious, here is an example of what can be in document:

      "salutation":"Mr & Mrs Bird",
               "name":"Solid European Oak",
               "updated_by":"Donald Duck",
                  "name":"Dining Room",
      "notes":"Testing submission"


  • If I'm correct you still need to permit! the document parameter:

    def proposal_params
      params.require(:proposal).permit(:account_id).tap do |whitelisted|
        whitelisted[:document] = params[:proposal].fetch(:document,!

    The way this works is that it will only keep the account_id at first but then within tap we add the document parameter back by trying to retrieve it from the original parameters. as the default value for fetch ensures that the permit! method is always callable even if no document parameter has been passed.

    Under the hood ActionController::Parameters#permit! seems to recursively call the permit! function on the contained parameters as well, so we can call it on any instance:

    def permit!
      each_pair do |key, value|
        Array.wrap(value).each do |v|
          v.permit! if v.respond_to? :permit!
      @permitted = true