I have tried to use the suggested example from github. You can also find it on some answers like this one for Rails 4.
I have tried this in Rails 5.0.1 and I just get an empty hash {} stored in the database:
def proposal_params
params.require(:proposal).permit(:document, :account_id).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:document] = params[:proposal][:document]
Obviously if I just do permit! it works.
I also tried an answer from this question:
def proposal_params
params.require(:proposal).permit(:account_id, document: Proposal.stored_attributes[:document])
but that also does not work.
The :document attribute contains json which is never the same between requests...and is a long and complex structure.
I just need to dump it as is into a jsonb column.
For the curious, here is an example of what can be in document
"salutation":"Mr & Mrs Bird",
"name":"Solid European Oak",
"updated_by":"Donald Duck",
"name":"Dining Room",
"notes":"Testing submission"
If I'm correct you still need to permit!
the document parameter:
def proposal_params
params.require(:proposal).permit(:account_id).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:document] = params[:proposal].fetch(:document, ActionController::Parameters.new).permit!
The way this works is that it will only keep the account_id
at first but then within tap
we add the document
parameter back by trying to retrieve it from the original parameters. ActionController::Parameters.new
as the default value for fetch
ensures that the permit!
method is always callable even if no document
parameter has been passed.
Under the hood ActionController::Parameters#permit!
seems to recursively call the permit!
function on the contained parameters as well, so we can call it on any instance:
def permit!
each_pair do |key, value|
Array.wrap(value).each do |v|
v.permit! if v.respond_to? :permit!
@permitted = true