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Haskell can't :load a File in ghci: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist

I'm in a ghci session trying to load a Main.hs file I've been working on. It looks like I'm in the right directory in that I can see the file:

ghci    λ> :cd /home/username/codeplace
ghci    λ> :! ls
lib.hs        Main.hs          

But I can't seem to load it:

ghci    λ> :load Main
*** Exception: code: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Well that's a weird error. Same for any :l variation I can think of:

ghci    λ> :l Main
*** Exception: code: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)
ghci    λ> :l Main.hs
*** Exception: code: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)
ghci    λ> :l 'Main.hs'
target ‘'Main.hs'’ is not a module name or a source file
ghci    λ> :l "Main.hs"
*** Exception: code: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)
ghci    λ> :l ./Main.hs
*** Exception: code: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)

According to reference docs here, it should just be

:load Main


Some potential sources of weirdness that may help a haskell wizard see the error of my ways:

  • I'm running my ghci in an emacs session using intero.
  • I have a custom prompt in ~/.ghc/ghci.conf


  :set prompt "ghci    λ> "
  :set +m
  :set prompt2 "ghci     | "

Why can't I load, why am I getting this strange error about changing directories, and how can I fix?


  • Hmm, I can't provide additional information as to what was happening. Went to answer comments above after rebooting the next day and everything worked fine. Strange.