Using sparks vector assembler the columns to be assembled need to be defined up front.
However, if using the vector-assembler in a pipeline where the previous steps will modify the columns of the data frame how can I specify the columns without hard coding all the value manually?
As df.columns
will not contain the right values when the constructor is called of vector-assembler currently I do not see another way to handle that or to split the pipeline - which is bad as well because CrossValidator will no longer properly work.
val vectorAssembler = new VectorAssembler()
initial df of
|foo| id|baz|
| 0| 1 | A|
| 1|2 | A|
| 0| 3 | null|
| 1| 4 | C|
will be transformed as follows. You can see that nan values will be imputed for original columns with most frequent and some features derived e.g. as outlined here isA
which is 1 if baz is A, 0 otherwise and if null originally N
|foo|id |baz| isA |
| 0| 1 | A| 1 |
| 1|2 | A|1 |
| 0| 3 | A| n |
| 1| 4 | C| 0 |
Later on in the pipeline, a stringIndexer is used to make the data fit for ML / vectorAssembler.
is not present in the original df, but not the "only" output column all the columns in this frame except foo and an id column should be transformed by the vector assembler.
I hope it is clearer now.
I created a custom vector assembler (1:1 copy of original) and then changed it to include all columns except some which are passed to be excluded.
To make it a bit clearer
def setInputColsExcept(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(inputCols, value)
specifies which columns should be excluded. And then
val remainingColumns = dataset.columns.filter(!$(inputCols).contains(_))
in the transform method is filtering for desired columns.